Goldman, Reynolds and Palestine

Emma Goldman and Reginald Reynolds on Palestine: some notes on anti-Semitism and Zionism before World War Two

However shocking are recent events in and around Gaza, they do not arise like lightning on a clear day and out of blue skies – they may be seen in historical context. This text by AW Zurbrugg goes a little way towards sketching anarchist perspectives on this historical and political conflict.

In the 1930s, and at other times, Anarchists were sympathetic to the concerns of diverse interests and communities in Palestine and commented on developments. Exchanges between Emma Goldman and Reginald Reynolds published in Spain and the World and other texts highlight actual and potential conflicts between long-term residents and new settlers.


Anarchist Studies Network 8th Conference – Belfast warm-up – 14th March 2024 – Recordings


The conference itself takes places at Ulster University Belfast, 4th-6th September 2024. The theme will be Anarchism in/with/as/beyond CONFLICT. Full details here:

Abstracts and paper/panel proposals should be sent by 30th March 2024 to


ASN8 – Warm-Up Event

The American Bar (65 Dock Street, Belfast)

Thursday 14th March – 7pm-10pm (folk club is on afterwards)

The 8th International Anarchist Studies Network Conference is coming to Belfast later this year. To get ourselves in gear, and to encourage local engagement and participation, we’re holding a warm-up event – featuring 3 talks (plus Q&A):

  • Máirtín Ó Catháin: on the history of anarchism here
  • Cassidy Ferrari: on queer anarchist zine culture
  • David Fox: on anarchism and folk music (including music performances)

Eventbrite page (booking not required)

The call for conference papers is open until the end of March

DIY Solidarity – funding round March 2024 now open

Some have plenty, others don’t. Shall we leave the redistribution of wealth to government agencies, charity organizations, and the foundations of billionaires? No. We can do that ourselves, no strings attached. Welcome to DIY Solidarity!

Funding of up to $1,000 for DIY and DIT initiatives/projects. Open for submissions 1 – 31 March 2024.