DIY Solidarity – funding round March 2025 now open

DIY Solidarity is a project that has been set up due to an aging punk feeling the need to share an inheritance that has fallen into their lap. It means that, every year, funds are available to support DIY projects.

For the means and purposes of DIY Solidarity,  a DIY project is one that relies solely on the participants’ involvement and community support. No state sponsoring, corporate sponsoring, or NGO sponsoring.

DIY Solidarity is a tool of redistribution, moving funds from those who have relatively easy access (like our old punk friend) to those who don’t. Funding will be shared fairly equally between bands and venues, zine makers and distros, festivals and gatherings, social centers and living spaces. Applications up to $1,000 are welcome.

There’s a pretty straightforward application form that keeps bureaucracy to a minimum, while identifying the cornerstones of the project: where is it, what is it about, and what are people asking for? The form is in multiple languages here:

Last year, funds were awarded to numerous projects, including these:

  • Collective Room 39, which provides meals to refugees and homeless people in Greece;
  • Political punk and DIY collective Ihitiko Ksespasma (Noise Outburst), part of the Fabrika Yfanet squat in Thessaloniki, Greece – read an interview with them here;
  • Rozbrat collective in Poznań, Poland;
  • Indonesian publishing outlet Pustaka Catut;
  • Community Resource and Land Generation Project of the Etniko Bandido folks in the Philippines – read an interview with them here;
  • The production of a book about the Memories of the Do It Yourself Experience in the Popular Rebellion of 2017 in Venezuela, to be published by Humano Derecho;
  • The renewal of Danny Reveco’s mural Sin tierra, sin agua, sin cielo (Without land, without water, without sky) in the Chilean port city of Valparaíso;
  • The informal group Vecinos amigos de los Michis, which feeds stray cats in Buenos Aires, Argentina.