Jeffrey Juris passed away on June 18, 2020 after a year-long battle with brain cancer. This dedication to Jeff, by his comrades Alex Khasnabish and Luis Fernandez, pays tribute to an outstanding scholar-activist with a true anarchist spirit who contributed directly to struggles for social justice.
Anarchy and Police Brutality: May Day 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia (photo essay)
A police officer approached me and asked, ‘why are you wearing a helmet?’ I returned the question, ‘why are you wearing a helmet?’ He replied that it was ‘for safety’. ‘Same here, for safety’ I nodded. ‘Safety from whom?’ asked the cop. ‘Safety from you’ I replied, and then he was gone.
This photo essay by Frans Ari Prasetyo provides a vivid depiction of the scale and energy of the May Day 2019 black bloc demonstration in Bandung, Indonesia, and the brutality of the ensuing police repression.
Anarchy and Police Brutality: May Day 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia (photo essay)
Freedom and Anarchy: an interview with David Graeber
‘That’s what I try to do a lot. I try to find things we already know, but don’t quite realise that we knew’.
David Graeber’s death on the 2nd of September 2020 causes a painful break in the human connections he had inspired and frustrates the promise of future works. But what we have gained from his life is incalculable, and will still reverberate for a long time everywhere there is resistance and hope for a better future.
This wide-ranging interview with David Graber, by Peterson Roberto da Silva, covers themes of play, violence, privilege, activism, equality, the value of work and care, and freedom, while communicating David’s wit, fierce intelligence, and fiercer-still humanity.