Smash All Systems! (An introduction to Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance)

There are plenty of people who are dismissive of punk’s association with anarchism, and even see it as damaging. But for those of us who are bound up in the punk/anarchism interrelationship, it’s clearly the case that anarchism has been revitalised by punk, worldwide. Ask yourself, what would the anarchist movement be like today without punk’s resuscitating influence?

‘Smash All Systems! (an introduction to punk anarchism as a culture of resistance)’

Despite its prominence, the punk/anarchist intertwinement has been repeatedly underappreciated, either through taken-for-grantedness, bemused misunderstanding, or outright hostility. The Anarchism and Punk Book Project series sets out to redress that – this article is an excerpt from the first volume in the series: Smash The System! Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance (edited by Jim Donaghey, Will Boisseau and Caroline Kaltefleiter, and published by Active Distribution in December 2022).

[Also available as a podcast on Anarchist Essays].

‘Smash All Systems! (an introduction to punk anarchism as a culture of resistance)’